Company Profiles are where you attract and interact with your connections and other freight agents because it’s often one of the first pages FAST members visit to learn about your company.
A Company Profile is also a place to showcase life inside your firm, whether for brand presentation or to give prospective customers a sense of what it’s like doing business with you.
How to edit your Company Profile
To access the Company Profile edit page: 1. Click on the Settings icon at the top of the page. 2. Select your Company Profile.
Create your Professional Network of Freight Forwarders
Compete as a Team! Start Creating your professional network of Freight Forwarding companies like yourself, Use the FAST search to look for the right connection, if you don’t find all your agents you can invite them to register and connect easily!
After creating your network start publishing your company news, share your company stories, create special offers, share sales leads with your network to attract new business.
Invest in your Company Profile
Edit your company profiles to include the most recent data, this way your connections will be immediately notified about any change in your basic info, like address changes, new branches and opening hours.
Add all your team members and invite them to your FAST company for free, choose your Admins and Operators to present your company size. (You can choose to hide a user from the company profile by un-marking the “SHARE” checkbox)
Add your company certificate and show them on your company profile to showcase your achievements and create trust in your service.
Add only the services you actually handling and get requests for quotations you can easily win! Keep your connections updated about new service.
Spread the Word!
Share your company page on social media.
Did you know your company profile is on Google as well?
(Make sure you have the “WEB SHARE” checkbox checked in your company profile edit page)
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